CASE STUDY: “I’m Sick of Fricking Agencies”


Issues Experienced by our Client

  • Use of multiple Agencies to backfill shifts creating increased risk and quality issues.

  • Agency casuals causing service delivery issues including NDIA Safeguarding issues.

  • The same casuals working on shifts with the host organisation but through different Agencies.

  • No consistency in Agency casuals deployment.

  • Management loathing the use of Agency.

  • Agency costs blowing out.


Solutions Implemented  

  • Designed a bespoke end-to-end contingent staffing model, tailored to the specific needs and requirements of our clients operations.

  • Engaged our clients team in consultation and showed them that there is a better way in managing contingent staffing requirements and outlined in detail how this needs to be executed, to ensure they got on board for the journey.

  • Implemented an effective bespoke staffing model, seamlessly integrated as part of our clients operations, not separated from it.


The Results Achieved  

  • Cost savings.

  • No longer using multiple Agencies.

  • Improved quality of Support Worker performance.

  • Achieved consistency of Support Worker deployment for the end client.

  • Improved service delivery satisfaction levels for end-client.

  • Enabled our client to expediently onboard new referrals which has significantly increased their revenue.

  • Reduced stress and anxiety of our clients rostering and service delivery teams as they now have a trusted partner who delivers.


Now is not the time to “Zombie Out”


Rostering is an artform – A system is NOT the Panacea